Monday, February 2, 2009

Pesto Spelt Pizza

I've tried TONS of different pizza recipes and I'll tell you that simple is always the best. In Italy, they know this best, since most traditional pizzas from Naples are either marinara (just tomato) or Margherita (tomato and cheese).

This recipe is pretty simple, also. Growing up American, and having parents who would never purchase American cheese (and by American cheese, I mean cheese made in America, not the Kraft style American cheese you sometimes find on cheap burgers), I grew up with cheddar being a staple in my diet. And my parents bought sharp cheddar and NEVER mild. Whether it be on burgers, pizza, grilled cheese, tacos, cheddar does seem to have a sharp flavor that can cut through and add a little brightness and complexity to what it's being added to.

I really like the marriage of mozzarella and cheddar. I think they blend really well together and pair well together. I also really like the flavor of basil pesto with cheddar. I've even made this pizza with only pesto and cheddar to see if it was good, and it was. But nothing beats the melty-ness of fresh mozzarella, with it's beautiful subtle flavor.

Pesto Spelt Pizza

1 spelt pizza dough
1 ball fresh mozzarella
2 1/2 tablespoons pesto sauce
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

First thing you're going to want to do is preheat your oven to the highest temperature that it can possibly go up to, usually 500F+. Then you're going to want to take your fresh mozzarella and chop it into strips, rather than chunks (it melts easier). Then, place the mozzarella in a bowl and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. Then add the tablespoon olive oil and mix the mozzarella in the oil to coat.

Next, take your pizza peel or cutting board and sprinkle it generously with white spelt flour. Take your pizza dough and lay it down on the peel. This is where things get pretty sticky. Try to rub the bottom of the dough in the flour so that it doesn't stick. Next, pick up the dough in your hands and try to press it with your fingers to make it a flat and level disc. Using the back of your hands (not your palms), gently pull the dough to stretch it out, laying it down against the peel/board covered in flour so that it doesn't stick to the back of your hands (or the peel). When you have a nice size, about 12" diameter, flour the board/peel and and lay the pizza on the board, floured side down.

Jerk the peel/board with your hand to make sure the crust slides around, not sticking to the bottom and also to re-flour the bottom of the crust. If the entire crust moves in unison without sticking, you've got it perfect. Next, place the pesto sauce directly in the middle of the crust and spread it out with the back of a spoon/ladle. Place the mozzarella on the sauced crust. Sprinkle shredded cheddar on top and bake in the oven for at least 6-7 minutes, 8 if you can, without having anything start smoking in the oven. Then voila, you have fresh pesto spelt pizza!

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